Exhibitions: open to visitors
sa. 14-09-2019, 14:00
sn. 15-09-2019, 14:00

Gallery at the Orthodox Church | level 4. Gallery
Admission: free

Oskar Zięta | CRYSTALS
solatorium | lamp exhibition | MDF Festival lounge

Oskar Zięta | CRYSTALS

We wouldn’t be able to live without light. Almost all organisms need it to survive. Human race in particular – both on a cell and cultural levels. Light brings shapes, colours and sizes out of the darkness. Its refraction, reflection and dispersion influence the way we see reality. What’s the best way to present what light is through visual art? We know the answer! We invite you to the first in Szczecin Oskar Zięta’s exhibition created especially for MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM. Festival 2019.
At Szczecin Philharmonic’s invitation, the world-renowned designer and artist will present works from CRYSTALS series, among others. It’s a formation of mirror-like objects smoothly and seamlessly combining geometric shapes with organic forms. Polished surfaces refract light, creating astonishing play on shades and reflexes. Inspired by refracting light diamonds, CRYSTALS installation attracts our attention with both form and the effect the light that is reflected at different angles gives.

solatorium | lamp exhibition | MDF Festival lounge

solatorium is a festival oasis of relax and light. At Orthodox Church Gallery, there will be a lamp exhibition co-produced with ilumina.pl waiting for MDF Festival participants. However, these are not ordinary lamps but the ones used in light therapy. Such lamps help regain life energy, boost mood and concentration. They are supposed to make us feel better and bring light and warmth into our lives, particularly in autumn-winter season. Designer lamps exhibition will become a space where all the festivalgoers will be able to loosen up and get energy boost before they head out to explore festival’s attractions.

solatorium | MDF Festival lounge during 14th and 15th September 2019 open during exhibitions’ opening hours